
Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider

Alfa Romeo
Giulia Spider

What better way to celebrate the first rays of sun of the year than by driving a sporty Italian spider in the Flemish countryside? Genuine classic car lovers know the feeling: as soon as a good rain shower has washed away the salt on the roads and the sun makes its appearance again, you want to get out and drive! For those of you who are still looking for the ideal car, we have exactly what you need! This beautiful Alfa Romeo Giulia Spider with chassis number 392389 was built in Italy in 1964, and sold in the US in 1965. In 1991 it started missing its home country, so it came back to la bella Italia, and that's where it underwent a full body-off restoration in the mid-1990's. During that restoration, it kept its original colour combination: body in Giallo Paglierino (straw yellow), interior and hood in black. At that moment, the engine was also converted to Veloce (twin carb) specification. Its two Italian owners, who both had the car for approximately 10 years, took very good care of it, as proven by the numerous invoices in the file. Twenty years after its restoration the car still looks wonderful, and the best news is that it drives even better than it looks €œ and it sounds even sportier! The Veloce conversion doesn't only provide more wind in your hair, it also makes this elegant Italian beauty sound like a raw and raunchy sports car. The very light steering adds to the fun on small country roads €œ we really had a blast driving this Spider! If you are looking for carefree and sporty classic motoring, then this well-documented, excellently maintained, powerful Giulia Spider is the perfect choice. And what better colour to make you long for summer than Giallo Paglierino?

Technische eigenschappen

Alfa Romeo
Giulia Spider

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