Minerva AC Sports

AC Sports
Rechts (RHD)

Maybe the most interesting classic I discovered in the Brussels warehouse this summer. The pride of the Belgian car manufacturers. When I examined this Minerva, I could find out it is the AC type powered by the, typical for Minerva, big 6 cylinder 5.3 L sleeve valve engine. This particular AC type was modified at a certain time and remodelled into this sporty tourer in the style of the later AKS-types which participated at races in Francorchamps. I am not sure this was the right choice but looking now at the result which has aged gently, one can only say this tourer has certainly a lot of charm. Unfortunately the block is holed by one piston. So starting this engine up will first need some... structural work. The value of this "beast" is difficult to quote, but I am sure an offer around 25.000 euro will satisfy me and still offer lots of potential to a future owner. If interested, let me know !

Technische eigenschappen

AC Sports
Rechts (RHD)

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