Riley IMP Le Mans

IMP Le Mans

Great News ! The 'Le Mans' Imp initially sold to a collector in Japan, is again for sale. AYK 597 is probably the most famous Imp around, being the car in which Mrs. Dorothy Champney and Mrs. Kay Petre drove the 24 hours of Le Mans race. They finished 13th overall, having covered the greatest distance and put up the highest speed ever by women drivers in the Le Mans race. Great days indeed ! (from Riley- the production and competition history of the pre 1939 Riley motorcars by A.T. Birmingham) In 1934, five other Riley's (Brookland models)participated at Le Mans and all finished in excellent positions (second, 3rd, 5th, 6th and 12th). This historic Imp has the extra bonus to be invited at a commemoration run just before the famous 24 h race on the 12th of June 2004, to celebrate together with the other cars of the works RILEY team the 70th anniversary. This one special request of Mr. Victor Riley (son of Dorothy Champney - later Mrs. Riley). As anyone can see from the photographs on this stocklist, this Riley Imp is in superb condition. I remember test driving this charming sportscar in the countryside lanes of the village where I live and that I was rather impressed by the performances of this Imp. Surely, the clever improvements on engine, cooling system and brakes, initially installed by the Riley factory, are responsible for this sporty behaviour. Indeed, nothing but superlatives for this famous Imp, and yes, these are absolutely justified. This charming and historically most important Imp could be yours.

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IMP Le Mans

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