Rolls-Royce 20 HP Ex-Maharadja of Kasjmir

20 HP Ex-Maharadja of Kasjmir

This very unusual and exotic Rolls Royce was traced in India by Rolls Royce authority and author John M. Fasal. Comparing its' condition with the very detailed Rolls Royce factory files, provided by the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts' Club, reveiled that this Maharadja parade car was totally correct and unspoiled over the years. Over a period of 15 years, the last Belgian owner started a meticulous restoration which stranded recently when 75% of the work was executed. All the structural work has been done (chassis, body, mechanics, electricity, instruments, dashboard, hood mechanism, nickelplating, etc...). Upholstery still needs to be done (here also correct samples based on Rolls Royce factory files, are provided by Connoly leather factory), some paint corrections (because of storage damage), and probably some time to fettle and tune the whole car. We would love to finish the restoration of this unusual and exotic Rolls Royce for the next owner. Could this be you ?

Technische eigenschappen

20 HP Ex-Maharadja of Kasjmir

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