All Alvis connoisseurs agree this Vanden Plas Tourer is the most attractive prewar Alvis produced. Unfortunately only 12 ever were fabricated by Vanden Plas. That is why my friend Rod Jolley has replicated a few extra for those who otherwise would have been left in the cold. This Vanden Plas Tourer was constructed on basis of a Vanden Plas saloon approx. 15 years ago for a German enthusiast who wanted the "nec plus ultra" for his Alvis 4,3. Also mechanically, he got the best what was available by Alvis specialists so that splendid looks were equaly matched by a superb mechanical set-up. The more, this beauty recently came into our specialised classic car workshop for a complete engine check-up. I tested this Tourer myself after our intervention and I can assure you this Alvis really goes ! From a total of only 172 Alvis 4,3 constructed this 4,3 VdP Tourer is without doubt the next best thing after the genuine 4,3 short chassis VdP.
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