
Lancia Aurelia B24S Spider America

Aurelia B24S Spider America
Année de construction

Lancia Aurelia B24S Spider America 1955 LHD From the many Aurelia B24 Spider and Convertibile models I had the luck to see go through my hand,s this one (chassis B24S-1061) is certainly the one I have the strongest connection with! Not only this was the 1-st B24 in my garage but my Belgian customer, with whom I share a classic car passion which brings us back to the early days 25 years ago, offered my classic car workshop the chance to execute a full restoration, no expences spared, on his Lancia sportscar. We even designed and construced from scratch a steel hard-top for this Spider. When te restoration was finalised in 2010 this Lancia obtained immediately 1-st prize at the posh annual Zoute Concours. This brought a big smile on everybody's face! Everybody agrees the rare Aurelia B24 Spider (only 220 ex. sold!) is the most sexy Lancia, but this particular one is absolutely a feel soooooo good classic. Come and have a look, OK?

Caractéristiques techniques

Aurelia B24S Spider America
Année de construction

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