Since the very beginning of the 20th century, there has been a lot of cross breeding between the airplane and automobile industry: from manufacturers who conquered both the roads and the skies, automobile makers supplying engines to airplane builders, airplane engines being used in race cars... to the Messerschmitt! Willy Messerschmitt was the designer of a large part of the German air fleet during World War II. After the war, Messerschmitt was no longer allowed to build airplanes, so in 1952 the company decided to put a concept of former Luftwaffe officer Fritz Fend into production: the Kabinnenroller. This three-wheeled "scooter-car" could transport 2 people in tandem. Powered by a Fichtel & Sachs two-stroke single-cylinder 191cc engine, it could reach 105 km/h! Four forward speeds... and four reverse! To reverse, the engine had to be stopped and then restarted, but this time by pushing the key further in the ignition switch than normal. If you've ever dreamed of driving an airplane, this 1-door Coupé comes pretty close! Wings and goggles not included.
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