
Lancia Flaminia SS Zagato

Flaminia SS Zagato
Année de construction

Lancia Flaminia SuperSport Zagato 1965 LHD Chassis n°: 826.232.002.051 is one of the only 150 produced Super Sport Zagato models fitted with the 2,8 l 3C (3 carburettors) engine developping the highest power output of 152 BHP in the whole Flaminia range. Until now this exclusive Flaminia model has been somehow forgotten by the classic sportscar enthusiasts, which allows the connoisseur to still find and buy one at a very acceptable price. This bright red Flaminia Super Sports was bought by me in Portugal where this sportscar remained her whole life. Thanks to the warm and dry climate, the steel substructure and the aluminium body aged very well. As you can see from the attached photographs this Flaminia SS looks very attractive and the bright red bodypaint is nicely complemented with the fully retrimmed beige leather interior.

Caractéristiques techniques

Flaminia SS Zagato
Année de construction

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